About Us

The Social Mobility Network is a concept to develop a digital platform that enables individuals with disabilities to monetise their skills and knowledge, specifically in the area of disability expertise. Through this platform, users can sell their accessible-themed images and other creations, providing them with new opportunities and improving their social mobility and better economic wellbeing and advances in people’s financial inclusion.

  • Monetised content
  • Disability Identity Management
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Web3 & Blockchain
  • Digital token economy
  • Social & financial inclusion


People with disability gain access to a global market

Overall, the use of web 3.0 and blockchain technology can provide a range of benefits for people with disabilities, enabling them to sell their skills and knowledge easily and securely, and access a global market of buyers

Benefits for Business and Organisations

Benefits businesses by giving them access to a diverse and talented pool of workers and consumers a new channel for business organisations to procure talent

A digital alternative – offers Finality of Payment

The assurance that cryptocurrency transactions cannot be altered, reversed, or cancelled after they are completed. This becomes a more convenient for people with disabilities to receive income generated from sales

Web 3.0 and blockchain

The technology can provide a range of benefits for people with disabilities, enabling them to sell their skills and knowledge and access a market of buyers directly, easily, and securely

(TBC) Digital token

We plan to launch our own token to power our platform and ecosystem, enabling disabled individuals to earn, offer specialised services, and access employment and economic opportunities

Internet of Value

Internet of Value (IoV) is a concept which envisions an internet where value is transferred now like money or ownership of something.

Funding Roadmap

Coming Soon

We will also look at potentially creating a number of unique NFT to support further funding of projects or initiatives if require with incentives ROI models. TBA. Potential Initial DEX offering (IDO) a funding strategy with one of the popular crypto exchanges to launch via their exchange as first phase public face approach pre public launch decentralized then followed by other exchanges offering our token - TBA. In a public sale, public (ICO Initial Coin Offer) tokens are sold to anyone who wants to buy them.

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